Logo IFBB sin fondo e1588143631641 Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com
Logo Elite PRO sin fondo grande e1588146596218 Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com
tenuncuerpo10 press patner Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com
IFBB academy partner logo Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com
IFBB partner logos Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com


Official Press Partner of IFBB


In the month of April 2020, tenuncuerpo10.com was recognized by the International bodybuilding and fitness federation through direct communication from its president, Dr. Rafael Santonja, as one of the press media authorized to cover information on amateur and professional championships, thanks to the quality of the work done in recent years in the women’s categories, bikini fitness, wellness and bodyfitnes.


TC10 IFBB PRESS PARTNER e1588777543812 Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com

Why am I asking my followers for money?


In recent years, I have created a community of people from the world of fitness competitions who follow my work through social media and this website without external means or sponsors, only through my passion. I have received many good comments about my contribution to the world of women’s fitness and even the international federation has trusted me in naming me a press partner.

During all this time I have always wanted to show the world the beauty of fitness, all that beautiful part that very few people talk about and that I have experienced myself, the personal and inner growth that is behind those excellent physicists and that serves so much in other aspects of life. Personally, this project has brought me the best years of my life and personal growth that increases my passion for what I do every day. Requesting money is also a way to ask this community…Do you think my job is good enough to even contribute a small amount of your own money so I can do even better?

It doesn’t matter if the money a person contributes is a lot or a little, my passion comes from my heart, not from the money I receive, but perhaps a few euros from many people is a way of answering “YES” to that question. A bank will only worry about whether I can repay the borrowed money and perhaps that stress would limit my work and creativity. I think the best sponsors are the people who know my work and trust me, so why not give it a try?

The acquired means will allow me to continue capturing the emotions, elegance, harmony and beauty of fitness competitions, improving my video creations.



What will the money raised be used for?


All the money received from the donations will be used in the acquisition of material and software to improve the quality of the work that is usually done, creating videos for competitors and for the social media channels of tenuncuerpo10.com. This page will publish the material purchased, as well as the amount of money raised from donations through Gofundme, one of the best fundraising sites for individuals, groups or organizations worldwide.

Of course this will be of great help so that this project can grow and self-finance in the future, because my intention is to travel more and more and be able to cover the information of more international competitions, but this would also be of interest to any competitor, so the money It will not be for trips, but to improve the work I do in the championships I can go to and thus continue helping the competitors with my experience and knowledge about how to be better on stage.


Will I get any benefit for making a donation?


If you are a competitor or want to give a gift to a competitor you know in the IFBB competitions in which tenuncuerpo10.com is present, you can request a personalized video that will include all the images of the competition. Of course I will continue publishing advice, helping and spreading my experience on the staging and what is valued in competitions.

If you prefer, you can send me a video of your quarter turns and your I-walk in video (only bikini fitness and wellness) and I will make an analysis of your poses to tell you those aspects in which you can improve your staging. It will be a pleasure to help you.

Or maybe you want your personalized video of the 2019 competitions I was in. European Championships, Diamond Cup and Elite PRO Madrid, Arnold Classic Europe, World Cup Tarragona and Elite PRO World Champioships or World Fitneess Championships Bratislava.

Tell me how can I help you and I will


Thank you for trusting me and this project.



Make your donation

Contribute the money you want

Any donation is appreciated, there is no minimum or maximum amount, you decide how much you want to contribute to the project.

Secure payment

Donations are made by credit or debit card with total security for you and the Gofundme entity is in charge of managing and collecting payments.

Gofundme guarantee

tenuncuerpo10.com trusts the entity Gofundme, one of the leading companies worldwide for fundraising for individuals, groups or organizations and in this way it is guaranteed that your money will reach this project in complete safety.



 There are people who do not have a credit or debit card and have asked me to make donations through Paypal although I prefer that you use Gofundme so that donations are visible to everyone.

For this I have enabled the following address:


paypal logo e1589011612898 Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com

Money raised through Paypal:

180 €

Funding goals:


  • Acquisition of a new laptop with the capacity for high-quality video editing and faster work. (1950 €)
  • Acquisition of professional video editing software to improve the quality of the work done. (300 €)
  • Increase the storage capacity of images in the cloud and by acquiring external storage devices. (400 €)
  • Acquisition of hardware for broadcasting live events.  (250 €)
  • Acquisition of image stabilizer for video camera. (350 €)


TC10 fitness video logo texto blanco e1588793937153 Crowdfunding tenuncuerpo10.com